Keep calm and keep brewing.

Well, 2022 is well under way, and, safe to say, hasn’t been the post pandemic celebration we were all hoping for, thanks to evil Russian Dobby. Amidst all the horrific news coming out of Ukraine, telling you about latest happenings in the brewery feels trite to say the least, but we will keep trying, as we have for the last 2 years, to provide a small window of normal and hopeful during very bleak times.

We’ll start off with both bad and good news. It’s with a heavy heart that we’ve decide to drop Crystal wheat beer from the range. Despite its excellence (a firm CAMRA favourite), its sales slowed as our Belgian style Saison took off, and it’s just too expensive to make to just sit there looking pretty. The good news is that we’re replacing it with a whisky barrel aged ale! It’s a rich British hopped light amber ale that is maturing as we speak in Speyside whisky barrels in our cold store. The aim is to get it out in time for Easter, but you’ll need to watch this space, as we won’t put it out until we think it’s ready to go.

The photo above is of the barrels being filled a few weeks back. We haven’t tasted it yet (these things can’t be rushed), but if it tastes as good as it smelt when filling, you’re in for a treat!

The new bottling line we bought last year is doing a grand job, meaning that we can bottle more than twice as fast as before. The upshot of this is that we have good stocks of everything in bottle for the first time since, well, before the pandemic and can brew more into cask as the pub trade recovers. We’re staring to see old pub friends, such as the Three Tuns in Chepstow and the Brecon Tap, return as things become increasingly normal, and we’ll hopefully have more outlets selling our beer as the weather, and hopefully the news, improves.

With our , new storage unit in place, we’re going to expand the shop over the spring and summer, hopefully bringing in some other local producers that we like. We’re also thinking of running a mini brewery tap on a Saturday, now that we have the space to have some seating inside. Please let us know if this is something you would like / use!

We’ll post again soon with more news.

Take Care, Stay Safe,