The Gang’s all here. Almost.

You’ll be glad to hear that after a brewing and bottling schedule of sheer joy during September and October, we’ve finally got the whole core range back on the shelves! Hopefully, this is good news for any of you that were thinking about shopping early for Christmas, as all our mixed / variety packs are now available. (I know, I’m not that organised either, but I thought I should mention it)

The even better news is that we’re going to be able to hold our current prices until Christmas. The likelihood is they will be going up in the New Year, for reasons that I’m sure you’ve all seen on the news on a daily basis, as our suppliers are already warning us of further increases.

Also, just in case you were worried, we have plenty of our 5 litre mini pins available across the range and we’ll be keeping them well stocked over the coming months. We know how you love them, especially when friends and family are visiting! And, even though they’re not on our web shop as yet, we can send them anywhere in the country via courier. Send us a message on the contact form if you’re interested.

The only thing we’re unlikely to have is our Premium Crystal wheat beer. It’s proving impossible to crowbar it into the brewing schedule before Christmas, although if we see an opportunity, we’ll take it. I’ll keep you posted!

Our new automated crown capper is working brilliantly, and is speeding things up considerably. It’s even better now that we’ve found a lovely quiet compressor to use with it that doesn’t deafen us all!

As ever, we hope you’re all doing well during another weird, trying year. Here’s to an easy winter and some proper human contact.

Take Care,